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wp-includes/theme.php › WordPress File

Theme, template, and stylesheet functions.

Function Short description
add_editor_styleAdds callback for custom TinyMCE editor stylesheets.
add_theme_supportRegisters theme support for a given feature.
background_colorDisplays background color value.
background_imageDisplays background image path.
check_theme_switchedChecks if a theme has been changed and runs 'after_switch_theme' hook on the next WP load.
create_initial_theme_featuresCreates the initial theme features when the 'setup_theme' action is fired.
current_theme_supportsChecks a theme's support for a given feature.
display_header_textWhether to display the header text.
get_background_colorRetrieves value for custom background color.
get_background_imageRetrieves background image for custom background.
get_custom_headerGets the header image data.
get_custom_header_markupRetrieves the markup for a custom header.
get_editor_stylesheetsRetrieves any registered editor stylesheet URLs.
get_header_imageRetrieves header image for custom header.
get_header_image_tagCreates image tag markup for a custom header image.
get_header_textcolorRetrieves the custom header text color in 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal form.
get_header_video_settingsRetrieves header video settings.
get_header_video_urlRetrieves header video URL for custom header.
get_locale_stylesheet_uriRetrieves the localized stylesheet URI.
get_random_header_imageGets random header image URL from registered images in theme.
get_raw_theme_rootGets the raw theme root relative to the content directory with no filters applied.
get_registered_theme_featureGets the registration config for a theme feature.
get_registered_theme_featuresGets the list of registered theme features.
get_stylesheetRetrieves name of the current stylesheet.
get_stylesheet_directoryRetrieves stylesheet directory path for the active theme.
get_stylesheet_directory_uriRetrieves stylesheet directory URI for the active theme.
get_stylesheet_uriRetrieves stylesheet URI for the active theme.
get_templateRetrieves name of the active theme.
get_template_directoryRetrieves template directory path for the active theme.
get_template_directory_uriRetrieves template directory URI for the active theme.
get_theme_modRetrieves theme modification value for the active theme.
get_theme_modsRetrieves all theme modifications.
get_theme_rootRetrieves path to themes directory.
get_theme_rootsRetrieves theme roots.
get_theme_root_uriRetrieves URI for themes directory.
get_theme_starter_contentExpands a theme's starter content configuration using core-provided data.
get_theme_supportGets the theme support arguments passed when registering that support.
get_uploaded_header_imagesGets the header images uploaded for the active theme.
has_custom_headerChecks whether a custom header is set or not.
has_header_imageChecks whether a header image is set or not.
has_header_videoChecks whether a header video is set or not.
header_imageDisplays header image URL.
header_textcolorDisplays the custom header text color in 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal form (minus the hash symbol).
is_child_themeWhether a child theme is in use.
is_customize_previewWhether the site is being previewed in the Customizer.
is_header_video_activeChecks whether the custom header video is eligible to show on the current page.
is_random_header_imageChecks if random header image is in use.
locale_stylesheetDisplays localized stylesheet link element.
register_default_headersRegisters a selection of default headers to be displayed by the custom header admin UI.
register_theme_directoryRegisters a directory that contains themes.
register_theme_featureRegisters a theme feature for use in add_theme_support().
remove_editor_stylesRemoves all visual editor stylesheets.
remove_theme_modRemoves theme modification name from active theme list.
remove_theme_modsRemoves theme modifications option for the active theme.
remove_theme_supportAllows a theme to de-register its support of a certain feature
require_if_theme_supportsChecks a theme's support for a given feature before loading the functions which implement it.
search_theme_directoriesSearches all registered theme directories for complete and valid themes.
set_theme_modUpdates theme modification value for the active theme.
switch_themeSwitches the theme.
the_custom_header_markupPrints the markup for a custom header.
the_header_image_tagDisplays the image markup for a custom header image.
the_header_video_urlDisplays header video URL.
unregister_default_headersUnregisters default headers.
validate_current_themeChecks that the active theme has the required files.
validate_theme_requirementsValidates the theme requirements for WordPress version and PHP version.
wp_clean_themes_cacheClears the cache held by get_theme_roots() and WP_Theme.
wp_customize_support_scriptPrints a script to check whether or not the Customizer is supported, and apply either the no-customize-support or customize-support class to the body.
wp_customize_urlReturns a URL to load the Customizer.
wp_custom_css_cbRenders the Custom CSS style element.
wp_get_custom_cssFetches the saved Custom CSS content for rendering.
wp_get_custom_css_postFetches the `custom_css` post for a given theme.
wp_get_themeGets a WP_Theme object for a theme.
wp_get_themesReturns an array of WP_Theme objects based on the arguments.
wp_is_block_themeReturns whether the active theme is a block-based theme or not.
wp_theme_get_element_class_nameGiven an element name, returns a class name.
wp_update_custom_css_postUpdates the `custom_css` post for a given theme.
_add_default_theme_supportsAdds default theme supports for block themes when the 'after_setup_theme' action fires.
_custom_background_cbDefault custom background callback.
_custom_header_background_just_in_timeRegisters the internal custom header and background routines.
_custom_logo_header_stylesAdds CSS to hide header text for custom logo, based on Customizer setting.
_delete_attachment_theme_modChecks an attachment being deleted to see if it's a header or background image.
_get_random_header_dataGets random header image data from registered images in theme.
_remove_theme_supportDo not use. Removes theme support internally without knowledge of those not used by themes directly.
_wp_customize_changeset_filter_insert_post_dataFilters changeset post data upon insert to ensure post_name is intact.
_wp_customize_includeIncludes and instantiates the WP_Customize_Manager class.
_wp_customize_loader_settingsAdds settings for the customize-loader script.
_wp_customize_publish_changesetPublishes a snapshot's changes.
_wp_keep_alive_customize_changeset_dependent_auto_draftsMakes sure that auto-draft posts get their post_date bumped or status changed to draft to prevent premature garbage-collection.