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pre_get_language_files_from_path › Filtr WordPress Hooks

apply_filters( 'pre_get_language_files_from_path', null, $path )
Parametry: (2)
  • (null|array) $files List of translation files. Default null.
    Wymagane: Tak
  • (string) $path The path from which translation files are being fetched.
    Wymagane: Tak
Zdefiniowane na:

Filters the translation files retrieved from a specified path before the actual lookup.

Returning a non-null value from the filter will effectively short-circuit the MO files lookup, returning that value instead.

This can be useful in situations where the directory contains a large number of files and the default glob() function becomes expensive in terms of performance.


$files = apply_filters( 'pre_get_language_files_from_path', null, $path );