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plugin_row_meta › Filtr WordPress Hooks

apply_filters( 'plugin_row_meta', $plugin_meta, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $status )
Parametry: (4)
  • (string[]) $plugin_meta An array of the plugin's metadata, including the version, author, author URI, and plugin URI.
    Wymagane: Tak
  • (string) $plugin_file Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
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  • (array) $plugin_data { An array of plugin data. @type string $id Plugin ID, e.g. `w.org/plugins/[plugin-name]`. @type string $slug Plugin slug. @type string $plugin Plugin basename. @type string $new_version New plugin version. @type string $url Plugin URL. @type string $package Plugin update package URL. @type string[] $icons An array of plugin icon URLs. @type string[] $banners An array of plugin banner URLs. @type string[] $banners_rtl An array of plugin RTL banner URLs. @type string $requires The version of WordPress which the plugin requires. @type string $tested The version of WordPress the plugin is tested against. @type string $requires_php The version of PHP which the plugin requires. @type string $upgrade_notice The upgrade notice for the new plugin version. @type bool $update-supported Whether the plugin supports updates. @type string $Name The human-readable name of the plugin. @type string $PluginURI Plugin URI. @type string $Version Plugin version. @type string $Description Plugin description. @type string $Author Plugin author. @type string $AuthorURI Plugin author URI. @type string $TextDomain Plugin textdomain. @type string $DomainPath Relative path to the plugin's .mo file(s). @type bool $Network Whether the plugin can only be activated network-wide. @type string $RequiresWP The version of WordPress which the plugin requires. @type string $RequiresPHP The version of PHP which the plugin requires. @type string $UpdateURI ID of the plugin for update purposes, should be a URI. @type string $Title The human-readable title of the plugin. @type string $AuthorName Plugin author's name. @type bool $update Whether there's an available update. Default null. }
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  • (string) $status Status filter currently applied to the plugin list. Possible values are: 'all', 'active', 'inactive', 'recently_activated', 'upgrade', 'mustuse', 'dropins', 'search', 'paused', 'auto-update-enabled', 'auto-update-disabled'.
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Zdefiniowane na:

Filters the array of row meta for each plugin in the Plugins list table.


$plugin_meta = apply_filters( 'plugin_row_meta', $plugin_meta, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $status );