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site_status_test_php_modules › Filtr WordPress Hooks

apply_filters( 'site_status_test_php_modules', $modules )
  • (array) $modules { An associative array of modules to test for. @type array ...$0 { An associative array of module properties used during testing. One of either `$function` or `$extension` must be provided, or they will fail by default. @type string $function Optional. A function name to test for the existence of. @type string $extension Optional. An extension to check if is loaded in PHP. @type string $constant Optional. A constant name to check for to verify an extension exists. @type string $class Optional. A class name to check for to verify an extension exists. @type bool $required Is this a required feature or not. @type string $fallback_for Optional. The module this module replaces as a fallback. } }
    Wymagane: Tak
Zdefiniowane na:

Filters the array representing all the modules we wish to test for.


$modules = apply_filters( 'site_status_test_php_modules', $modules );