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has_block › WordPress Function

has_block ( $block_name, $post = null )
Parametry: (2)
  • (string) $block_name Full block type to look for.
    Wymagane: Tak
  • (int|string|WP_Post|null) $post Optional. Post content, post ID, or post object. Defaults to global $post.
    Wymagane: Nie
    Domyślny: null
  • (bool) Whether the post content contains the specified block.
Zdefiniowane na:

Determines whether a $post or a string contains a specific block type.

This test optimizes for performance rather than strict accuracy, detecting whether the block type exists but not validating its structure and not checking synced patterns (formerly called reusable blocks). For strict accuracy, you should use the block parser on post content.


function has_block( $block_name, $post = null ) {
	if ( ! has_blocks( $post ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( ! is_string( $post ) ) {
		$wp_post = get_post( $post );
		if ( $wp_post instanceof WP_Post ) {
			$post = $wp_post->post_content;

	 * Normalize block name to include namespace, if provided as non-namespaced.
	 * This matches behavior for WordPress 5.0.0 - 5.3.0 in matching blocks by
	 * their serialized names.
	if ( ! str_contains( $block_name, '/' ) ) {
		$block_name = 'core/' . $block_name;

	// Test for existence of block by its fully qualified name.
	$has_block = str_contains( $post, '<!-- wp:' . $block_name . ' ' );

	if ( ! $has_block ) {
		 * If the given block name would serialize to a different name, test for
		 * existence by the serialized form.
		$serialized_block_name = strip_core_block_namespace( $block_name );
		if ( $serialized_block_name !== $block_name ) {
			$has_block = str_contains( $post, '<!-- wp:' . $serialized_block_name . ' ' );

	return $has_block;