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wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks › WordPress Function

wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks ( $parsed_block )
  • (array) $parsed_block The parsed block.
    Wymagane: Tak
  • (array) The same parsed block.
Zdefiniowane na:

Processes the directives on the rendered HTML of the interactive blocks.

This processes only one root interactive block at a time because the rendered HTML of that block contains the rendered HTML of all its inner blocks, including any interactive block. It does so by ignoring all the interactive inner blocks until the root interactive block is processed.


function wp_interactivity_process_directives_of_interactive_blocks( array $parsed_block ): array {
	static $root_interactive_block = null;

	 * Checks whether a root interactive block is already annotated for
	 * processing, and if it is, it ignores the subsequent ones.
	if ( null === $root_interactive_block ) {
		$block_name = $parsed_block['blockName'];
		$block_type = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block_name );

		if (
			isset( $block_name ) &&
			( ( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) ||
			( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity']['interactive'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity']['interactive'] ) )
		) {
			// Annotates the root interactive block for processing.
			$root_interactive_block = array( $block_name, $parsed_block );

			 * Adds a filter to process the root interactive block once it has
			 * finished rendering.
			$process_interactive_blocks = static function ( string $content, array $parsed_block ) use ( &$root_interactive_block, &$process_interactive_blocks ): string {
				// Checks whether the current block is the root interactive block.
				list($root_block_name, $root_parsed_block) = $root_interactive_block;
				if ( $root_block_name === $parsed_block['blockName'] && $parsed_block === $root_parsed_block ) {
					// The root interactive blocks has finished rendering, process it.
					$content = wp_interactivity_process_directives( $content );
					// Removes the filter and reset the root interactive block.
					remove_filter( 'render_block_' . $parsed_block['blockName'], $process_interactive_blocks );
					$root_interactive_block = null;
				return $content;

			 * Uses a priority of 100 to ensure that other filters can add additional
			 * directives before the processing starts.
			add_filter( 'render_block_' . $block_name, $process_interactive_blocks, 100, 2 );

	return $parsed_block;